Caught with drugs in college: What to do when you’re arrested for possession

College is a said to be a time for exploration and self-discovery, but a single mistake can tarnish even the brightest futures with a criminal history that may follow you the rest of your life.  If you are a student in college you may be a little confused as to the law with regards to marijuana possession in the State of New Jersey. 

Although the law is constantly changing it is important that you realize possession of Marijuana in New Jersey can carry serious legal consequences, including heavy fines and even jail time. This article will provide you some very important information about New Jersey drug laws and what you should do if you are arrested and being charged with a crime.

What Are The Consequences And Penalties Of A Drug Possession Charge?

First it’s important to remember that if you are being charged with a drug crime you will not be treated with kid gloves.  Many college students are under the false impression that because it is their first offense, or that many other college kids carry drugs that the consequences are not severe.

A first offense can result in serious problems not only with your school and their administration but with the law.  When you are being charged with a drug offense, many students just want to get it over with so they try and take the quickest action without fully understanding the penalties.  Your first step should be to contact an experienced drug and criminal defense attorney.  An attorney will advise you about your options, help protect your rights, navigate you through the process and also help minimize the damage.

What You Need To Know About A Drug Possession Charge In New Jersey Schools And While Traveling?

If you attend Rutgers, NJIT, Seton Hall University, FDU, Montclair State (MSU) or other nearby institutions, and plan on travelling for spring break then you should be aware that once you are found with marijuana in the setting of an airport can be charged with a federal crime.  Even something as seemingly innocent as traveling with prescription drugs without a medical prescription is a drug offense.  Exercise caution and common sense, especially when transportation is involved.  The consequences of drug possession escalate rapidly once transportation and airports are involved like Newark Liberty International Airport.

Another factor to consider is the amount of drugs on your person. Possession of significant amounts of drugs is a serious crime and if you are caught you can be convicted of selling drugs or intent to sell drugs.  New Jersey and federal laws become more severe if you are found carrying large amounts of marijuana or other narcotics. You can face a felony for transporting more than 50 grams of marijuana, for example, incurring potential fines of up to $25,000 and 1.5 years of jail time.

First you should make sure that you don’t provide any information or details to the police or school officials without consulting your attorney. Police and other officials will attempt to force incriminating statements from you, but if you are insistent on your right to speak to an attorney you can avoid this and other unpleasant outcomes.

Why Should I Consult With An Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney?

If you are unfortunate enough to be charged with drug possession, don't lose hope. As bad as the consequences may be, there are steps that you can take to minimize the impact of a drug possession charge on your life and future.

With a capable lawyer and by adhering to some basic guidelines, you may be able to have your charges reduced or even outright dismissed. In some cases you can even keep the incident off your record with community service or agreements to attend treatment programs known as pre-trial intervention.

Rosenblum Law can help you fight the charges and protect your rights and your future.  Call us immediately to for a free phone or in-person consultation.


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