Expunging Arrest Records in New Jersey
expungement of arrest record

A person who gets a criminal charge against them dismissed or is ruled innocent by a judge may feel that their legal trouble is over. However, while the person may have avoided the trouble that can come with a criminal record, there will still be a record of the arrest. While not all background checks will show records of arrest that do not result in a conviction, it is possible for them to turn up. This can lead to unfair assumptions about a person. That is why a person who has been arrested in New Jersey but not convicted must have their arrest record expunged. 

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How to Get an Arrest Record Expunged

A person can file for an expungement of their arrest in New Jersey immediately after being cleared of the charges. The process is similar to expunging a criminal record. In essence, it involves a lot of paperwork, paying a fee, and making numerous copies that must be sent to all law enforcement agencies in New Jersey. 

Clearing an arrest record is easier than getting a criminal record expunged. Moreover, it is presumed that a person who has been cleared of the charges deserves to have his/her arrest record expunged. Still, there are reasons why a person may not be allowed to have his/her arrest record expunged. A common reason is errors in the paperwork itself. 

The best way to ensure that one is able to successfully clear an arrest record is to hire an attorney to handle the process. An attorney with experience filing expungements will know the paperwork inside and out and can ensure accuracy and eliminate errors that could result in a denial of the expungement. In addition, the attorney can take care of the tedious task of copying and filing, allowing the client to sit back and relax while the process is being handled. 

What If I Avoided Conviction 

Due to a Diversionary Program? 

New Jersey allows first-time offenders the opportunity to enter a diversionary program such as Pre-Trial Intervention or Conditional Discharge. A person who completes these programs successfully will avoid a conviction. However, both the record of the arrest and the record of having entered the program will still exist. Thankfully, diversionary programs can also be expunged, although one must wait 6 months after finishing to file the motion. 

Who Should I Contact to Expunge My Arrest Record?

If you or a loved one was charged but not convicted of a crime in New Jersey and wish to have the arrest record cleared, contact an attorney for help. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law are skilled defense and expungement attorneys who have helped many people avoid the stigma of an arrest record. Email the Rosenblum Lawor call 888-815-3649 today for a free consultation about your case.

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Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words,
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