Case Study: Client Avoids Financial Ruin Through Successful Settlement
Case Synopsis
Despite facing significant financial hardship, a middle-aged worker facing a daunting copyright lawsuit found relief with Rosenblum Law after initially facing potential damages, thus securing his financial future.
Case Type
Copyright infringement
Case Attorney
Case Study:
The client in this case was a down-on-his-luck, middle-aged worker. He had several personal loans and an overall high debt-to-income ratio. This copyright lawsuit couldn’t have come at a worse time for him financially.
When the client contacted our office, he communicated that he was losing sleep over the allegations because he was worried about how to afford a settlement that could run into the millions of dollars. Copyright owners can seek up to $150,000 per infringed work by statute. In this case, the total maximum statutory damages would have been well over $5 million. This would have decimated our client’s financial security and life plans to lower his debt.
Looking for a way out, he sought and obtained the help of one of our attorneys at Rosenblum Law. When Strike 3 sued our client and threatened to take them to court, our team fought back and ultimately settled the case for only $5,000. Through the dedication and negotiation strategies of our firm, our client saved over $5 million in possible statutory damages.