Case Study: Copyright Holder’s Demand Negotiated Down to Realistic Amount
Case Synopsis
Facing a sudden demand for personal information and substantial fines from Strike 3 Holdings, LLC over alleged copyright infringements, our client sought our legal assistance, resulting in a skillfully negotiated settlement.
Case Type
Copyright infringement
Case Attorney
Case Study:
Our client was the account holder of a growing family’s internet service plan. Everything was fine until January, 2023. At this time, the family received a notice from their internet service provider that Strike 3 Holdings, LLC was demanding the account holder’s full legal name, address, and other personal information.
Immediately, the family contacted our firm. We were entrusted to research and negotiate a favorable settlement on their behalf for a total of 24 copyrighted works. We confirmed the number of alleged infringements and promptly went to work, leveraging court deadlines to obtain the best possible reduction of fines on our client’s behalf.
The initial demand from the copyright holder was $150,000 per work which would have totaled well over $3 million in statutory damages. Clearly, this would have been a catastrophic result for our client.
Ultimately, the case was resolved for a total settlement of just $7,000. Our skillful negotiation and realistic representation saved our client more than $3 million in possible statutory damages. Moreover, our client’s confidentiality was preserved, and the entire household got through an especially difficult situation that came out of the blue.